There are many ways to get involved in Variety and support Wisconsin children. Find the option that’s right for you.
Volunteer – Consider becoming an ambassador of Variety, helping us spread the work and getting people engaged to help support our mission.
Give – Be creative and find a way to raise both awareness and critical funds for Variety. There are many different ways to raise funds - by yourself or with a group. Contact events@varietywi.org to share your idea and get started.
Consider joining Variety as a sponsor of one of our fundraising or Discover events for families.
Your personal donation to Variety benefits children and helps us provide smiles for more Variety kids. Your gift may be tax deductible as allowed by law.
Does your company have a giving program or match employee contributions? Ask how Variety might benefit from your corporate giving program.
Are you thinking about what your Legacy could be? Does it include helping children? Consider including Variety – the Children’s Charity of Wisconsin by giving through your will.
Every family has a story to tell. Meet the children.

Traeson is an active 9-year-old who loves sports. READ MORE

Morgan and her family love being out and about in the community. READ MORE

Fifteen-year-old Madison wanted to enjoy the everyday freedoms of being a teenager. READ MORE

Matthew's parents adopted him from China at nine years old. READ MORE