Heroes: A Video Game Symphony - Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra  - Variety - the Children's Charity of Wisconsin
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Feb 8, 2025 • 7:30 PM

Join the Heroes of your favorite video games for an amazing audio/visual journey like never before. Experience gameplay visuals in perfect sync with a live orchestra telling the tale of a Hero's journey! This one-of-a-kind symphony event features live music from games such as Castlevania, Diablo, The Elder Scrolls, Halo, Portal, Metal Gear Solid, Assassin’s Creed, Fallout and many more. Let’s make this a special night for gamers. Bring your friends. Grab your family. Come dressed up as your favorite character at the symphony; cosplay is encouraged!

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Please note that this event is available ONLY for children with physical or developmental special needs and their family members, and those who are registered with Variety - the Children's Charity of Wisconsin. If you have never attended a Variety Discover Program, please register here https://www.varietywi.org/get-help/variety-registration-form/